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Get IP address from VM

On this page I gathered approaches to get virtual machine ip address from host shell when VM already initialized and started.

Example 1. Simple command

Simple example, only with shell commands:

$ vagrant ssh -c "ip address show eth0 | grep 'inet ' | sed -e 's/^.*inet //' -e 's/\/.*$//'" vm-instance-name

Example 2. Command with python

Another example with python. More handy for complex logic and quick changes in code:

$ vagrant ssh -c "hostname -I | python3 -c 'import fileinput; ip=list(fileinput.input())[0].split(\" \")[0].strip(); print(ip)'" vm-instance-name

Example 2. Build inventory

A bit more complex example to build list of hosts from running Vagrant environment

function getIp {
ip=$(vagrant ssh -c "hostname -I | python3 -c 'import fileinput; ip=list(fileinput.input())[0].split(\" \")[0].strip(); print(ip)'" $1)
echo $ip

function getAllRunningVMList {
for vm in $(vagrant status | grep running | awk '{print $1}')
echo $vm


rm -f inventory.list

for entry in $list
ip=$(getIp $entry)
echo "$entry:$ip" >> inventory.list

## Output file "inventory.list"
# consul-1:
# consul-2:
# consul-3:
# lb-1:
# gw-1:
# srv-1: