Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open-source, general-purpose policy engine that leverages Rego - a declarative language that simplifies the process of defining authorization rules as a code.
Гобкость OPA позволяет реализовать на его основе любую модель авторизации.
Opa is a powerful ally for organizations that require granular and dynamic access control across their systems.
RBAC policy
package rbac.authz
import rego.v1
# user-role assignments
user_roles := {
"alice": ["engineering", "webdev"],
"bob": ["hr"],
# role-permissions assignments
role_permissions := {
"engineering": [{"action": "read", "object": "server123"}],
"webdev": [{"action": "read", "object": "server123"},
{"action": "write", "object": "server123"}],
"hr": [{"action": "read", "object": "database456"}],
# logic that implements RBAC.
default allow := false
allow if {
# lookup the list of roles for the user
roles := user_roles[input.user]
# for each role in that list
r := roles[_]
# lookup the permissions list for role r
permissions := role_permissions[r]
# for each permission
p := permissions[_]
# check if the permission granted to r matches the user's request
p == {"action": input.action, "object": input.object}
ABAC policies
package abac
import rego.v1
# User attributes
user_attributes := {
"alice": {"tenure": 15, "title": "trader"},
"bob": {"tenure": 5, "title": "analyst"},
# Stock attributes
ticker_attributes := {
"MSFT": {"exchange": "NASDAQ", "price": 59.20},
"AMZN": {"exchange": "NASDAQ", "price": 813.64},
default allow := false
# all traders may buy NASDAQ under $2M
allow if {
# lookup the user's attributes
user := user_attributes[input.user]
# check that the user is a trader
user.title == "trader"
# check that the stock being purchased is sold on the NASDAQ
ticker_attributes[input.ticker].exchange == "NASDAQ"
# check that the purchase amount is under $2M
input.amount <= 2000000
# traders with 10+ years experience may buy NASDAQ under $5M
allow if {
# lookup the user's attributes
user := user_attributes[input.user]
# check that the user is a trader
user.title == "trader"
# check that the stock being purchased is sold on the NASDAQ
ticker_attributes[input.ticker].exchange == "NASDAQ"
# check that the user has at least 10 years of experience
user.tenure > 10
# check that the purchase amount is under $5M
input.amount <= 5000000
How to Implement Relationship-Based Access Control (ReBAC) Using Open Policy Agent (OPA)
Links & Docs
Open Policy Agent: Policy-based control for cloud native environments
Comparison to Other Systems
Open Policy Agent Alternatives: OPA vs. Oso
Integrating with the Go SDK